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A mural on the side of a popular coffee shop in Altadena is causing a stir in the community, with some residents calling for it to be taken down. 

The mural is on the side of Unincorporated Coffee Roasters on Lincoln Avenue in Altadena and was sanctioned by the owner. The muralist is a local Los Angeles artist who is known for his “chaotic and violent depictions of society.” 

Opponents of the mural say that they talked to the town council and the county, who said they have no jurisdiction over the art as it stands right now. 

Regardless, some community members are adamant that it be taken down. 

“[This mural does] not belong in a Black community or a community of color,” said She’ She’ Yancy, who lives next door to the mural. “This is misplaced.” 

Other community members don’t see any violent depictions in the artwork. 

“I just see faces and hands, I don’t see anything violent about it,” a community member told KTLA’s Sara Welch. 

Opponents of the mural have asked the coffee shop owner to take it down and have even offered to repaint the wall with something “more uplifting.” They also make clear that they don’t support the censorship of art, but they do believe it’s better suited for a gallery or museum rather than a street in a community that has spent years healing from violence. 

The coffee shop owner has not yet responded for comment.